Obviously from reading the previous paragraph, you know that the age difference has been a little bit of a struggle for me. I remember the day I met this charming, funny, engaging man and asked him how old he was. I was sure we had no future because no self respecting woman would consider a relationship with a man 11 years her junior. Unless you were Demi Moore. And even if you were Demi Moore people would still be talking about you marrying a younger man.
Now, if it was the other way around and Matt was 11 years older than me, I would have no problem telling people how old he was. Or how old I am. But this year I turned 50 and my husband still has a whole year to go before he reaches 40. Now I can hear all of you gasping in disbelief because of this bit of information that I just reveled to you....or can I? Surprisingly most people find it to be no big deal. Some people say nothing while most women respond "good for you" when I tell them our age difference. Would you be shocked if I told you that Matt was seven years old when I graduated from high school? How about if I say that when my baby boy was born when I was thirty, Matt was a mere nineteen years old. I guess the fact that I could be his much older sister really isn't having the impact that I was so sure it would.
This summer a good friend of mine called me. She had met and started dating a great guy. He treated her well and was kind and considerate. There was just one problem. He was nine years younger than she was. After she told me that, she paused, as if waiting for me to tell her that she needed to end this foolishness immediately. I reminded her that I was married to a younger man and that if this guy she was dating was indeed all she said he was there was no reason to think twice about moving forward. Me talking to her as if the age difference between Matt and I had never given me a moments pause.
So say I had let my misgivings about our age difference keep me from getting to know Matt and later marrying him. What would my life be like and what would I have missed? Well I would have missed out on the opportunity to have that one relationship of a life time. The one that everyone dreams of. You know, the one where your spouse is your very best friend in the whole world and there is not one person that you would rather spend time with. The kind of relationship where you truly miss the other person and can't wait to see them again.
I would have missed out on being with my true companion. The person who would rather be with no one else but me. Who thinks I am funny and the one I laugh with every single day. Most of the time several times a day. Someone who knows me better than anyone ever has. Who can tell exactly what I am thinking by just looking at my face. Someone who loves me despite my baggage that comes from a previously failed relationship. Someone who believes in everything I do. Who thinks I am pretty, even after dragging myself home after a twelve hour shift at the hospital. Somebody to drink coffee with and an occasional shot of Patron. A man who watches baseball just because I like it.
Through out all the struggles with my parents and the emotional roller coaster of my baby growing up and moving away, Matt has been there for me. He has listen to me vent, comforted me when I cried, and never lost his patience with me. I have tried to be the same for him, but don't do it nearly as well as he does. My usually unemotional mother told me how lucky I was to have him the other day. Believe me, I know. I think about all I would have missed out on if I had let a mere 11 years dictate the course of our relationship.
One day Matt and I were going through one of my yearbooks and he was looking at my senior picture. He said that he "would have so dated me" if we had met when I was in high school. The age difference isn't that noticeable now, but somehow I think me driving my Ford Pinto with a seven year old in the back, in a booster seat, would have caused people to talk. But now it works, and it works very well. I am so glad that I listened to my heart and not my head on this one. In the short time we have been together we have been through a lifetime and I don't know what I would have done without him.
So, now that I have this confession off of my chest, I am going to say here, in front of everyone..... HAPPY 39TH BIRTHDAY MATT BUDROW......I love you with all of my 50 year old heart.